Tag Archives: the traveling teacher

TT in Mongolia

The “Metropolitan” Mongolia

Click on the Image to see Sükhbaatar Square in 360 degrees. How many construction cranes can you see?

I stood in front of Tsentuya’s English class at School 23 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia as she explained that I was a teacher visiting from the United States. After the quick introduction, I asked the students if they had any questions. A boy seated at the back of the room raised his hand, tilted his head, and inquired: “Before you came to Mongolia, what did you know about Mongolia?”

I laughed. He knew my story… Continue reading

The Byambatogtoh Family

Gers, Camels and Motorbikes…

Mongolia is divided into Aimags (Provinces). Early one morning, I went out to the Dragon Bus Depot to catch a bus to Bulgan Aimag, west of the capital Ulaan Baator.

Click on the image to see the Dragon Bus Depot in 360 degrees.

After a six hour bus ride, I arrived at the ger home of Mr. Byambatogtoh. The Byambatogtoh Family is a nomadic herding family that moves four times per year with the weather. The family owns 40 horses, 10 cows, 3 camels and 400 sheep and goats. When I arrived, I was welcomed traditionally with milk tea, sweets, and biscuits. Lunch was a delicious fresh noodle (I watched it being made!) and more tea. After lunch, I accompanied Mr. BYambatogtoh’s son to herd the camels on motorbike! We then rode the camels 14 kilometers to a Buddhist sacred space.

The next day, I traveled to the home of Mr. Otgonbayar

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. The family was wonderfully welcoming, and I enjoyed getting to know everyone: I spent the most time with the grandparents and children. While attempting to communicate with the sixty-two year old grandmother with a phrasebook, I shared photos on my iPad. I then showed her Photobooth. She LOVED seeing herself and playing with photobooth.


Sadly, after two days in the countryside, I became sick due to a lack of a sanitation system. It was a strong reminder of the importance of continued development work necessary around the globe. Watch the video for the ‘Reinvent the Toilet’ initiative that my good friend Sara is working on with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Currently, universities around the globe are working to develop toilets that can be functional without a water system. That’s Smart People doing Good Work!

School 1329, Moscow, Russia

More from Moscow!

Доброе утро!  (dohb-ruh-ee oo-truh)!

Good Morning!

Red Square (click on the photo to view 360 degrees!)

I have arrived in a new country, so am now able to begin posting some of my Russian Experiences

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. I am currently work on a video postcard, but in the meantime, who knows the answers to these Trivia Questions?:

1.  It is 8:00 is New York City. What time is it here in Moscow?

2. What is the currency in Moscow? How many ______ do you receive for 1 US dollar?

3. Russia is known for which type of dance? (HINT to the G-Girls of 2009-10: Ms. Gross took ONE class in this type of dance)

4. Shopping in Moscow — What American Fast Food “Restaurant” is popular here in Moscow? HINT: You can see it in this 360 degree photo.

Click on the image to see the Mall

For non-GFS students and teachers, leave your answers in the comments below by Monday, October 10th and be entered to win a Skyping session. Hope to see you soon on Skype!

Ms. Gross, The Traveling Teacher


Hello from Moscow!

I have spent an excellent four days in Moscow. I was introduced by officials at UNESCO to School 1329. Everyone was so welcoming. I received a tour of the incredible building (including TWO swimming pools and a boxing arena) and met with an English class. I will post more when I arrive in my next country (I will be without internet until then)

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. In the meantime, a message from the bright students at School 1329

See you next week!

airplane wing

Where Will the Traveling Teacher Stop First?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Right now, the Traveling Teacher is in New York City preparing for the first flight of her trip!. She is busy applying for travel visas, buying plane tickets, and deciding where to go first. 

Using the clues below, can YOU guess where the Traveling Teacher is going first? Leave your guess in the comment box below. (Remember, no last names for students.)  If you enter the correct answer by Sept. 20th, you will receive a postcard and be entered to win a Classroom Skyping Session from the Traveling Teacher at her  first stop!

View TravelingTeacherBlog in a larger map

1. The Traveling Teacher will fly EAST from New York City, New York, U.S.A.

2. This country is home to about 120 different ethnic groups; more than 100 languages are spoken.

3. This country is the largest country in the world, occupying 1/10th of all of the land on Earth.

4. This country’s capital city is located along a river and has FORTY-NINE bridges.

5.  This country’s capital city has more billionaires living there than in any other city on earth.


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Learning WordPress and VOICES from YOUNG WOMEN project

I am teaching myself how to build this site using WordPress. Right now, I’m testing out how Categories will manifest itself throughout the website by embedding a video from my Vimeo site. This video was created by Hallie A., one of my former 7th grade Digital Thinking II students for the end of the year project “Voices From Young Women“. This video makes me smile so much because Hallie successfully executed such an incredibly simple, yet poignant concept. I admire and will really miss my students as I travel! But,I hope to help students around the world create similar videos for the project.

So, back to scrapping and clawing my way through this WordPress site…

Although I teach technology, my strength is NOT in programming or building websites. I am very much a self-taught filmmaker and technologist. I also learn A LOT from friends, colleagues and, yes, strangers.

One of the most exciting things about the internet for me is the possibility of meeting, collaborating with, and learning from other people around the world. YES, there are dangers, and I am very much aware of how much information I share. But, the amount of How To video tutorials that exist amazes me. I was also fortunate to find the Baltimore WordPress Meetup where I met my friend Jim who got my learning off the ground

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. So, as I claw my way through building this site, I am still learning. There will be mistakes. What I’m saying is that if I can figure this website building stuff out, ANYONE can do it. Just start…

I leave for my travels in less than three weeks. Creating this site and just writing this blogpost is getting me so excited to start the trip. I’m really looking forward to the people I’ll meet and schools I will visit. I believe the traveling is going to show me a whole lot of beauty in this world.