Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Right now, the Traveling Teacher is in New York City preparing for the first flight of her trip!. She is busy applying for travel visas, buying plane tickets, and deciding where to go first.
Using the clues below, can YOU guess where the Traveling Teacher is going first? Leave your guess in the comment box below. (Remember, no last names for students.) If you enter the correct answer by Sept. 20th, you will receive a postcard and be entered to win a Classroom Skyping Session from the Traveling Teacher at her first stop!
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1. The Traveling Teacher will fly EAST from New York City, New York, U.S.A.
2. This country is home to about 120 different ethnic groups; more than 100 languages are spoken.
3. This country is the largest country in the world, occupying 1/10th of all of the land on Earth.
4. This country’s capital city is located along a river and has FORTY-NINE bridges.
5. This country’s capital city has more billionaires living there than in any other city on earth.
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