
Hello from Moscow!

I have spent an excellent four days in Moscow. I was introduced by officials at UNESCO to School 1329. Everyone was so welcoming. I received a tour of the incredible building (including TWO swimming pools and a boxing arena) and met with an English class. I will post more when I arrive in my next country (I will be without internet until then)

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. In the meantime, a message from the bright students at School 1329

See you next week!

  • Alex T.

    I loved that video! Talk to you when you are at your next destination!

    • The Traveling Teacher

      We are working to connect you with these students. They were AWESOME! I have another video to post that mentions Maryland! You will get along so well with these students! So bright!

  • Papa gross


    • The Traveling Teacher


  • the goddess of the aeroplane
